There are thousands perhaps millions of saints who have received Christ but don't know the rights, promises, and inheritance Jesus died for. We are not just hanging on, we are decreeing and declaring the righteousness of Jesus Christ, and all that He has promised as an inheritance. We can't earn this; we must receive it all by faith. So here we go with part three.
Last week we ended up receiving our new name. Also, we have each received a rich inheritance in Christ!
Isa 62:2
2 And the nations shall see your righteousness and vindication [your rightness and justice — not your own, but His ascribed to you], and all kings shall behold your salvation and glory; and you shall be called by a new name which the mouth of the Lord shall name. [Rev 2:17.] AMP
Knowing His Word is true, each of us has a prophetic destiny. We all come into fulfillment of our inheritance through relational agreement with the Lord, and our future is dependent upon His presence in our lives. In this relational agreement is the Blood Covenant we have with the Lord.
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As I stated in part one, it was the Issachar tribe that understood the times and seasons of God. They had a divine anointing and understanding as to how to :
• Understand times and certain seasons.
• Understood their anointed times for healing and restoration.
• Understood the times the Holy Spirit was opening the heavens to release revelation.
Let me assure you again it is our season to walk in blessings and freedom. The problem with many of us is that our identities in Christ have been submerged in hopelessness, despair, shame, and discouragement. Possessing our promises and walking in our freedom in Christ has been dormant due to our believing lies about ourselves. We have believed in the lie that we are unworthy and, therefore, do not deserve to be blessed.
But when we understand that the Blood of Jesus covers us with His righteousness, we suddenly are in the right standing to receive our inheritance. When we realize that we are already "righteous" because of the Blood of Jesus, we can begin to rise and take our rightful position. It is not because of what WE have done, but because of what HE has done that puts us in the right standing with God and positions us as royalty for our inheritance. Let me assure you of this one thing, Satan hates the mention of the Blood of Jesus. I have witnessed bondages broken off of people when we mention the Blood.
Demons have to flee when we talk about the Blood of Jesus. When Christ was crucified, His Blood redeemed us from sin and death. Yes! He overcame death, hell, and the grave. This proves there is no favor from God besides the Blood covenant He has instituted. Without the Blood, there is no grace, blessing, power, reconciliation, or fellowship with God. Without the Blood, God is absent from our lives! Only through the Blood of Jesus can we walk with and have restored fellowship with God. It is through the Blood that we receive our inheritance.
The Firstborn Inheritance Is Ours
In the Old Testament, we read that whenever the father of a Hebrew household died, the firstborn son became the anointed priest of that particular family. In other words, the authority from the Father was passed to the firstborn son. This son was chosen to receive the "double portion" inheritance. We are all, according to Scripture, God's firstborn sons. We have obtained the status of being not only priests but also kings.
Observe the book of Revelation 5:10 and keep in mind that God called Israel His firstborn son: "And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth" (kjv). Since the Church is God's "spiritual Israel," we receive the firstborn inheritance, which includes power, dominion, as well as our covenant blessings and power over the enemy. Never forget that our Blood Covenant backs our inheritance.
When God created man, he was perfect in the image and likeness of God. Now, man had perfect fellowship with God. But when sin came into the heart of Eve through the deception of the enemy, Adam entered into sin with her, and they became separated from God. Their fellowship with God was broken because of their sin. Yet, God came looking for them—knowing they had sinned. Dear one, God will always seek after us—He never quits! I love the fact that God will always pursue us.
That's why I love the song "Reckless Love" so much. He will leave ninety-nine and come looking for me. (And also, you!)
Back to the garden…Adam and Eve Are Clothed
We all know this story, but let's revisit what happened in the Garden to clarify the purpose of the Blood Covenant. Adam and Eve were ashamed and covered themselves with fig leaves. They had previously been clothed (covered) with God's glory, but after they sinned, they lost that glory and realized their nakedness. This brings up a great question that many people ask me. Dr. Sandie, when speaking of the Blood Covenant, when was the first blood shed biblically?
Most would think the answer would be when Cain murdered his brother Abel. Not so. The Word states that God, Himself provided a sacrifice (requiring blood) which provided skins to cover their sin. Genesis 3:20 explains this:
20) And Adam called his wife Eve, because she was the mother of all living. 21) Unto Adam also and to his wife the Lord God makes them coats of skins and clothed them.
Why would God do this? They were already covered, right? This was the first sacrifice of blood to cover the sin. It's obvious you can't get skins without killing an animal. There was no need of covering the physical body. This can only mean the blood was necessary to cover spiritual sin from disobedience to God.
Remember, earlier I stated that to possess our inheritance we must have a relationship with God. This is a great example showing us that when we mess up our relationship, He still comes to us with covenant promises. So, even though mankind had sinned and rejected God, the Lord God sought after them and clothed them.
This was a foreshadowing of God's blood covenant with Abraham, and so it was with Jesus, the Lamb that would take away the sins of the world.
In clothing them with skins from animals, He was making a promise to redeem them. The Lord was expressing to Adam and Eve that they had an inappropriate covering. They could not cover themselves. Only the Lord could cover them. It is the same for us today. We cannot cover ourselves. Only He can properly do this.
The word cover means "reconciliation." God came and covered them to reconcile them to Himself. Animals were slain to provide coats. Imagine Him bringing a covering to them, still stained with blood, placing the coats upon their nakedness.
Blood was required to cover, and it is the same today. Blood is required to take away our sins and cover us with God's glory. In this covering of Adam and Eve, God was essentially saying, "I am purchasing mankind back." He was expressing to mankind that "I will do this." From that point forward, mankind could know God only through the shedding of blood.
The reason I am telling you this is because I want you to realize that your sin is “covered!” You are the righteousness of Christ now, which empowers you to fully receive your firstborn inheritance in Christ and that you are now joint heirs with a promise that involves a rich inheritance! From the beginning of time, the Lamb was slain, which means the Blood of Jesus has been available since the beginning to cover your sin.
When you confessed Jesus as Savior you were immediately saved, righteous and a joint heir in Christ! Don’t let the enemy steal this from you. Receive it by faith today!
Next week, in part four, I will share with you why people don't pursue their inheritance. For now, let me pray that as you read these articles, they empower you to pursue what is rightfully yours.
Let me pray.
Father God, I ask that a freshness of Your Spirit would fall on each one as they read these articles. You are so merciful and graceful. When we mess up, we don't lose what is ours. We have not received the spirit of this world but the Spirit from God so we may understand what God has freely given us. Open our minds, Father, so we can comprehend all you have given us. Help us let go of preconceived notions and small-minded thinking to take hold of all You have for us. In Jesus name. AMEN!
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