THIS IS MY HEART BECAUSE I LOVE THE CHURWhile many criticize the church, let's remember it's the core of our existence: The Word, Fellowship, Healing, Worship—all of which God calls us to engage in.
I often hear complaints about preachers.
Well, why don't you try doing it?
Then there's the claim it's all about money.
Well, you need money too, don't you?
How else is the building you're in paid for? IT'S NOT FREE, and rents increase YEARLY!
Then Oh, yes, it's about pride.
Well, only God handles that, so why worry?
Recently, I hear "I am the church." Well, if that's true, how many souls are you reaching? And where do they go once saved? To you? Then you are a church.
Let's not forget...
The old saying, "I'm not being fed."
Bring a loaf of Godly BREAD of life and pray for the leadership team.
Here's another: "My pastor doesn't like me..." boo hoo,
You're not there for the pastor to like you; you're there to hear God's servant keep you strong and mighty!
Then we hear, "I'm too tired to be in church..." Jesus hung on the cross, bleeding and a mess, and he never complained.
Show others your strength and dedication.
Remember, there's a difference between complaining and expressing opinions, and both can embarrass Jesus.
Jesus came to save you from your sins
He came to set you free from oppression
He came to give life abundantly
He called you by name
He has given you the gift of the Holy Spirit
He sticks closer than a brother
He will never leave you or forsake you
He gave you power from on high
He is your shelter and high tower
He is the Alpha and Omega
The Beginning and the End.
Let's be positive, not negative.
So look up in 2025, come alive, and be strong and full of Jesus the way Jesus is.
Yes, you can do this.
I'm confident in you
P.S. Remember, being critical never wins anyone to Jesus
Dr Theresa Phillips