As we enter the celebration of Purim, when the Jewish people remember the victory over Haman's plot to destroy them, let us also remember the victory that Jesus provided for us upon the cross!
Here in most of North America we just entered Daylight Savings Time, where our clocks are set forward (Spring Forward), giving us an extra hour of sunlight each evening. As this occurred I felt a sense of having "sprung forward" in my spirit as well. It is almost like coming out of an extended period of darkness into a time of great spiritual light.
King Jesus has extended His scepter toward His bride and we are now to ask what we have approached him in request for.
This is a time of deliverance.
The Lord gave me this verse,
“The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Yes, I have a good inheritance.” Psalms 16:6 NKJV
I saw honey dripping from His extended scepter and as we touched the tip of it (just as Esther did to receive the invitation to come near to the king) the honey came upon us and began to saturate us.
A few years ago I had a very clear vision of honey dripping from the ceiling and walls of homes. I felt that a time was coming when we will experience this golden honey flowing to cover His people, their homes and their lives. But, what is this golden honey? I believe it is the sweetness of His tangible presence that we will begin to experience (we will taste and see that the Lord is so, so good).
It is signs and wonders that stick to us; flowing down the walls of our homes, churches and lives— attracting the lost, the hurt, the hungry and the broken. It is like moving into “the golden hour”— just before sunrise where the light creates colors that cause us to stand in awe— this will be a time of AWE!
This golden honey represents gathering places where we bring what we carry individually and watch it produce a corporate hive of miracles and glory. It nourishes, it brings healing, it brings awe and praise, it brings new life, it brings favor and resources.
Expansion is here, deliverance from enemies is here, freedom from captivity is here— and the time of the golden light of His glory dripping down from heaven into the earth is here.
We are entering time of true joy— where the sweetness of the Lord will be enjoyed in ways that we have not yet experienced.
Keep the word "pleasant" in your mind because you are about to experience pleasant things. I see in my spirit so many people just breathing in pleasant experiences; like they've gone from tight, confined places to a new expansive place that is pleasant to every part of their lives. The boundaries of your spiritual journey are expanding— the boundary lines of experiencing awe are opening up, the boundary lines of freedom are expanding and the boundary lines of limited joy is breaking out into limitless joy!
The joy of the Lord is about to strengthen you and strengthen His people.
Take heart and have hope; for the King has extended His scepter and will grant your request. He is resetting your boundaries into the pleasant places that He has prepared for you…and they will be full of golden light and drip with abundant favor.
Kathi Pelton