Recently, I heard the Lord speaking over many, 'The days of dryness you have been experiencing have come to an end, I am igniting fresh hunger for Me.'
As the Lord spoke these words I felt that there were many still feeling like they are living in a place of deep dryness. I could sense that there were many that were feeling empty, weary, and refreshment was a deep cry of their heart.
As I leaned in and listened to the Lord, I heard the Lord say:
'I am coming to refresh you. Here come the refreshing rains of My Spirit to saturate, soothe and refresh you. I am wooing you deeper into the secret place and deeper into My heart. For I say unto you, that there is refreshment and strength found in Me that you will step into in these days, that you have longed for. For I say unto you, that I am anchoring you deeper in the revelation of what it means to live and move and have your being in Me (Acts 17:28). For I say unto you that dryness does not exist in Me and I am bringing you deeper into living in ever increasing daily refreshment in My presence and in the revelation of who I am and My nature.
'I say unto you, look to Me, lift up your head for where does your help come from, it comes from the Maker of the heavens and the earth (Psalm 121). Lift up your head. Behold Me and look to Me, fix your gaze upon Me (Hebrews 12:2) in My presence there is FULLNESS of joy (Ps 16:11).
'For there are many in this hour who are feasting, drinking and being led by their emotions, and I say unto you, you will not find life and strength feasting upon and being led by your emotions. I am calling you deeper into being anchored in Me and let My hope and who I am be the anchor for your souls (Hebrews 6:19). For there are many who are being soul led, rather than spirit led, and I am calling you into repentance of being soul led. And as you surrender to Me and trust Me, I am bringing you deeper My strength and learning in deeper ways to abide and be led by MY Spirit and MY Word.
'There are many in this hour who have their focus and their minds on things of this earth and upon their emotions and cares of this world, but I say unto you cast your cares and anxiety upon Me for I care for you (1 Peter 5:7). You must lift your eyes and cast your mind on things above (Colossians 3) and think on that which is true, honourable, just, pure, lovely and commendable and things worthy of praise (Philippians 4). Come up higher in your focus and your feasting, My people. Oh, the richness and refreshment you will find, as you behold Me.
'I say unto you, My people, that I am bringing you deeper into My River. I am calling you deeper in. I am calling you to come in deep (Ezekiel 47) Align not your expectation with dryness, align your expectation with FULLNESS. For I am bringing you deeper into FULLNESS. I am bringing you deeper into the revelation and manifestation of perpetual refreshment and life that is found in Me. I am bringing you deeper into the revelation and manifestation of being ones that are like trees planted by streams of water; yielding its fruit in season, whose leaf does not wither, and who prospers in all they do. (Psalm 1:3).
'I say unto you, that I am coming in deeper to purge, I am coming in deeper to refine, I am coming in deeper to purify, I am coming in deeper to strengthen and refresh. My people, I am stirring a holy discontentment within you in this hour. I am increasing the holy discontentment and this holy discontentment is igniting hunger and desperation for Me in ways that you have not known before.
'I am drawing you deeper, I am inviting you deeper. The days of dryness you have been experiencing are coming to an end. I am bringing you deeper into knowing Me and deeper into experiencing the refreshment that is found in My presence. For I say unto you, that I am the God who satisfies the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish (Jeremiah 31:25).
'I am bringing you into a deeper revelation and manifestation of My strength, that as you live intertwined with Me, as abide in Me, as you live deeply in intimacy with Me, as you wait upon Me; I shall renew your strength and you shall mount up with wings like eagles, you shall run and not be weary, and you shall walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31). My people, My refreshing rains are being poured out on the dry grounds of your heart. I am pouring out My refreshing rains upon your weary hearts, minds and lives: and I say unto you, align not with languishing, align your expectation and your faith with strength; for in ME you shall find new strength – My strength – and rise up on wings of eagles.
'For many have said in these days, 'I am so tired, I am so dry, I cannot run.' I say unto you, that in your strength, you can do nothing, but as you draw deeper into Me and abide in Me, not only shall your strength be renewed, but you shall RUN and you shall FLY in My strength: and the days of dryness that you have experienced – that so many of you have felt have felt like they were suffocating you – will be but a distant memory compared to the exponential refreshment in My presence that I am drawing you deeply into.
'I am bringing you, My people, into such a deeper understanding of abiding and what it means to abide in Me, that you will live in the place of thriving in Me. That you will bear fruit in EVERY season.
'“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has NO worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” (Jeremiah 17:7-8 emphasis added)
I say unto you, My people, I am igniting hunger for Me and deeper places of intimacy with Me, like you have not experienced before. I am igniting the desperation within you for My presence and for Me that is making room for unprecedented levels of encounter with Me in your lives. I say unto you, My people, that where you felt like dryness was suffocating you, I am breaking it, and I am igniting hunger within you and branding you afresh with such deep hunger and desperation for Me and My presence that is making room for a season of visitation of My presence that you have not known before.
'I say unto you, My people, it's time to come deep into My River. Deeper than you've ever been. Come deep into My River.
'“And wherever the river goes, every living creature that swarms will live, and there will be very many fish. For this water goes there, that the waters of the sea may become fresh; so everything will live where the river goes.” (Ezekiel 47:9 ESV)
'I say unto you, My people, it's time to come alive and thrive in Me in deeper ways than you have known. I am drawing you deeper; come deeper, come deeper into My River, for there you will find healing, strength, refreshment and LIFE.'
Lana Vawser
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