The title and subtitle refer to opposing results of family reality. The reality is that if “we the people” live in accordance with God’s family plan for life, we will experience Heaven coming to Earth. However, if we do not, we will experience Hell on Earth now in this life.
I was recently asked to teach a small Sunday School class of adults. It is only about 30 minutes and usually only around 12 people attend. When I asked God what He would have me share, the above title was placed in me.
I responded, “Wow, God, that is a real nutshell-type project.” He responded immediately, “Yes, just plant the seeds securely.”
I cannot unpack all of this in this short article and certainly not in a 30-minute class. Scripture is listed so that you can dig into it deeper. Yet, I do hope to write more on this in the next article.
God’s family is on earth and in heaven. God has created one foundational plan or order for His family. This foundational order for God’s family on Earth is the same for every structure or organization and is always successful in accomplishing God’s purpose for the operation.
Functioning according to God’s family plan brings heavenly life’s ways of peace, righteousness, and joy, true success, into this world. Any other plan or pattern without God carried to its mature state brings the ways of Hell on Earth and darkness that lead to death and destruction.
The pattern is the same for family, business, governments, ministry, church, kingdoms, or any functioning group or institution on Earth.
The world largely functions now under other patterns of family and all areas of life. We see the result in rapidly failing world systems and the degeneration of mankind on all fronts.
Trained natural-thinking minds that are in most people are not capable of making us godly any more than our minds were able to create us. We must experience the pattern in our redeemed Spirits before the mind can receive it. Our minds without God can only make us worse and further from God. Only Spirit God can remake us and empower us to become Sons of God.
This is not just a mental decision of any sort. It is a death experience to the old natural mind control of our lives. It is Spirit God moving in to occupy our spirit with Spirit Son and Spirit Father God. Spirit God saturating our redeemed Spirit overrides the natural mind and begins renewing our old natural mind into the mind of Spirit Christ. (Galatians 2:20) (Romans 12:1-2) (Ephesians 4:22-23).
God’s family is on earth to relate to Him in pure love and to grow into mature sons and daughters that rule and reign with Him on earth, bringing heaven to earth. (Romans 8:14-19.) (Matthew 6:10) (2 Timothy 2:12).
Children are like servants and must grow up to become full sons and daughters. (Galatians 4:1-7) (John 15:15).
We were created to be God’s family on earth to have dominion, be fruitful, and multiply. (Genesis 1:26-28).
We are created Spirit beings in an earthly body to govern Planet Earth according to God’s constant spirit-to-spirit communion, empowerment, and direction. (Genesis 2:7).
God’s family plan is the pattern for all governance on Earth, whether it is business, ministry, kingdoms, or any other governing structure. (Genesis 2:18-25) (Ephesians 5:1-33) (Ephesians 6:1-9).
God’s family patterns only work by love, and God is the only source of unconditional love. (1 John 4:1-21).
Love Never Fails and,His Kingdom Never Ends.
Ron McGatlin