A lot of people are going in circles because the church is trying to get you to improve the old man and be a good Christian
Jesus didn’t die and rise again to change the old man - He crucified the old man (ROM 6)
So that by faith you can live in the new man who is —already created in holiness a x righteousness
The New Covenant is not the old covenant improved it’s a new and living way.
He takes away the first to establish the second .
A lot of churches are living half in the old covenant but if you do that you cancel out the new covenant promise - the New Covenant is 100% grace
Take a few mins and pull up
GALATIONS 3 In the message Bible -paul tells the Galatians
They put themselves under witchcraft when they got back into works
We aren’t “working for Jesus” in the new covenant. We have His Spirit and se yield to Him and by His spirit He works in us and through us -both to will and to do if His good pleasure .
“It’s not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us . “
Beautiful. Merciful, gracious God the rivers of life flow from the throne and through us .
You may by in a dry place but there’s no reason you should be dry -living water is in you.
You can water the dry ground
“How lovely is your dwelling place - filling the heavens and the Church with your presence
Might God, how great you are
luv kathie