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Writer's pictureGlobal Prophetic Voice


I had a dream earlier in the month where a revivalist friend handed me a key that had Daniel 2:22 written on it. 

“He reveals deep and hidden things;    he knows what lies in darkness,    and light dwells with him” Daniel 2:22

He then simply looked at me and said “Now go!”

When I woke up I began to write down these following bullet-point revelations that gushed out of me.


  • We are in a moment where God is wanting us to pick up our authority again where we have forfeited it. 

  • We are in a moment of breaking powerlessness and defeat we have settled in and violently shaking off bonds of weariness around us. 

  • We are in a moment of leaving survival and the camp of “stuck and shipwrecked” we have been in.

  • We are in a moment of occupy and increase and not a season of maintain. 

  • We are in a moment of recovery and recompense. 


  • We are in a moment of wrong doors closing and promise doors opening. 

  • We are in a time of the UNLOCKING of places, resources, and areas that have been locked up and out of access for some time. 

  • We are in a time of entering promises we have been contending with for 3, 7, and 10 year periods. 

  • We are exiting doors and alignments that have kept us stuck or limited. 

  • We are in a moment of pursuing doors and jumping out at God opportunities that we missed in past seasons. 

  • We are in a kairos time of obtaining what has felt unobtainable in the past. (The doors that have looked the most shut are about to fling wide open)

  • This is a for those in waiting to get their “GO” again.


  • We are entering a season of deep revelation and encounter where God pulls back the curtain and reveals where we are going. 

  • We are entering a season of endless dreams and visions. 

  • We are entering a time of deep calling into deep and God resetting hearts that have been out of sync. 

  • We are in a moment of battle plans, blueprints, and and strategies being released for giants in our path we haven’t known how to take down. 

  • We are in a moment of visitation and encounter where the Lord re-brands the hearts of those who have felt cold and weary. 

  • We are in a moment of refreshing revelation that answers the questions of the waiting and gives fresh vision for the future. 

  • We are in a time of receiving the new themes and messages on Gods heart for his church. 


  • We are in a time where God is unveiling his hidden troops that have been in waiting. 

  • He is breaking the doors off the hidden places where his remnant have been in process and being battle readied. 

  • He is revealing his plans for the days to come which will be manifested through a nameless and faceless people set aside for this moment. 

  • He is revealing his end time army and end time expressions around the earth to usher in the greatest harvest. 

  • He is revealing the way forward for a church that has been stuck in the old thing. 

  • He is inviting and leading the church globally into a reset of methods and ways and showing them where he is going and where he isn’t. 


March = Esther Oil

  • We are in a moment of major exposure of the enemies tactics and plans and its far reaches. 

  • We are in a moment of catching the enemy out red handed where he has pulled the wool over the eyes of so many elect and even the body of Christ. 

  • It’s a deliverance moment where blinders are breaking and those who have been brainwashed are waking up. 

  • This will be deep “aha” moment for the church as they see where they have been in mixture and caught up in the demonic narratives of culture. 

  • It’s a breaking alliances moment for those who have been in agreement with the enemy and his values and views. 

  • We are in a time where we are going to see the enemies plans globally on full display and an opportunity for the church to arise and be the answer and solution. 


  • We are In a time of tearing and pulling out demonic root systems personally and corporately. 

  • That which has been hidden is coming to light and that which has thrived in darkness is now being exposed to the light. 

  • God is evicting principalities and powers in cities and regions and loosing an army to occupy those places. 

  • We are in a time of change over and the changing of the guard. Old roots are dying and God is unveiling the new shoots of a new era. 

  • New leaders and spearheads are rising up around the earth to strike the ground. 

  • Empires of wickedness are going to keep being exposed and crumble. 

  • This will be a time where the facades of Christianity are being revealed and what is true will shine forth. 


  • This is a moment where we will see such an uprising of true justice and kingdom light released in the earth. 

  • Cities in darkness are about to be illuminated in the map as courageous ones rise up and let their voices be heard. 

  • The light will overcome the darkness and be a no contest. 

  • The light doesn’t argue personalities but principalities and we will see a shift from warring against man to warring against darkness. 

  • And this will be a moment of the pathway lit ip for those who have been waiting their next orders and clarity coming. 

  • This will be a moment of dots connecting, instructions dropping, and feet moving once again. 

  • And the glory of God will be revealed in the earth. 

Arise, shine, for your light has come,    and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.

See, darkness covers the earth    and thick darkness is over the peoples,but the Lord rises upon you    and his glory appears over you.

Nations will come to your light,    and kings to the brightness of your dawn” Isiah 6”:1-3


There is a commissioning call that is going forth in this hour for my laid-down lovers who have not been seeking doors of opportunity but have been seeking me. My remnant, my set aside, my set of part ones, my holy forerunners. In this hour, I'm branding them with the messages that I've reserved for this moment. I'm branding them with my heartbeat that will shake the earth and bring it back to my heart. 

I'm going to use them to overturn, wickedness and darkness in secret and dark places. I'm going to use them to turn nations back to me once again. But many have said, but I'm stuck. And they have said, but I'm in a bind and I do not know my way forward. But no, they have not been stuck. They've been in a processing and a refining and a preparing. But now they're about to step into an increased season of hearing. They're about to step into a windows of revelation season and receiving fresh manna. And they will pick up their keys again and run with it into the nation's. Watch now as dead movements come back to life and watch now as dead places begin to come back to life and watch now as streams begin to flow in the desert once again. And watch Now as doors begin to open that have looked closed and shut and, and hearts that have been closed suddenly become soft once again. For this is a time where I am reshaping my church.

I'm molding my church and I'm forming my bride. So get ready, my mighty set aside ones. Get ready. Pay attention to what I give you in the night seasons. 

Posture yourself before me. This is not a time to run ahead of me. This is a time to run with me. This is a time to be sensitive to my, to my leading and be clothed by my spirit. 

Nate Johnston

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