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It Was the Worship

There was a season in my life when God began to bless me beyond my imagination. It was an amazing time. A few months into the season, I asked God why He had blessed me so abundantly—especially when there were many people I knew who prayed more, knew more Scripture, and were, quite honestly, better Christians.

He replied, “Because you worshiped Me.”

On that day, I knew without a doubt that God had a special place in His heart for worshipers.

Throughout those years, and even before, I had always felt that I was born to worship God; it’d come so naturally to me.

I now understand why my relationship with God has always been so intimate: it’s because of the worship. Even when battles and trials have arisen, I’ve found my safe place in worship. As a result, it has helped me through many difficult times.

No Worship, No Rain

That being said, I once found myself in a period where my times of worship decreased, almost without realizing it. I had no excuse for this change; I simply became distracted by the cares of this world and the struggles that were affecting every aspect of my life.

During that time, the Lord spoke four short but powerful words to me: “No worship, no rain.” At first, I found the statement quite strange, but it continued to resonate with me. One day, I thought, “That can’t be scriptural.” So, I researched it, and to my surprise I found that it was indeed scriptural. Zechariah 14:17 states that those who do not worship Him will experience a lack of rain.

“And it shall be that whichever of the families of the earth do not come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, on them there will be no rain.” (Zechariah 14:17)

I began to meditate on that Scripture, unsure of what God was trying to reveal to me.

One night, as I was preparing for bed, I decided to follow the Scripture’s instruction and engage in worship. This was not easy for me, as my worship had always come from the heart; I had never worshiped by faith before. However, during that season, it felt like my heartfelt worship was absent.

So I chose to worship by faith, hoping that my passion for worship would eventually return. Mere hours later, I discovered what God was trying to teach me.

When God told me “No worship, no rain,” He meant that if you do not take the time to worship Him, all the seeds you have sown to help you through your struggles will not thrive. The word you have planted to enable you to emerge victorious will bear no fruit if there is no rain. Without rain, your seeds will not mature, and you will not be able to harvest them. Thus, there can be no harvest without rain, and there will be no rain without worship.

Worship Is the Key That Unlocks the Heavens

“Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God; for He has given you the former rain faithfully, and He will cause the rain to come down for you—the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.” (Joel 2:23)

In Joel 2:23, the Bible says that He will give us the former and the latter rain together in the first month. If you do a word study on that Scripture verse, you will find that the root for latter rain means “to gather, collect, glean”; “take the aftermath, i.e. take everything,” and “despoil” (Strong’s H3953).

God spoke with this profound message, saying, “Indeed, you have sown seeds in the fertile soil, enough to yield a bountiful harvest. However, for those seeds to flourish and reach their full potential, they require the nourishing touch of rain. Yet, this vital rain cannot fall without the presence of worship.

“Worship is the key that unlocks the heavens, drawing down the rain that nurtures and matures the growth. Therefore, we do not need to plead or pray earnestly for rain. All we need to do is worship, for it is worship that invites the life-giving rain.”

Many of my friends have sown seeds for years—both word of God seeds and financial seeds—but have yet to see a harvest. Here’s the key: When you worship, God will send the former and latter rain, causing your harvest to come up quickly. The seed is already in the ground; it just needs water. Think of the local farmer; without rain there is no harvest, regardless of how much seed he has sown. However, when there is sufficient rain, they reap an abundant harvest.

Rain symbolizes the blessings of God. Are you someone who has stood firm on His Word while waiting for a breakthrough? Have you been waiting for a financial breakthrough and sown all that you have? If so, remember that all your seed needs is water; it only requires the rain of God. When you worship God, He will pour out blessings on your seed. I can attest to this truth because I have experienced it firsthand.

There was one key factor that led to God’s blessings in my life that year: worship. Every day I worshiped Him deeply, with all my heart and soul. Looking back, I realize that the time between when I started worshiping God and when I began to experience the fullness of His blessings was very brief. It happened so quickly because He was eager to fulfill His Word.

I want to encourage you today to worship God.

If you’re unsure of how to begin, start worshiping by faith. Worship is all about God Himself. Tell Him who He is to you. Magnify His name and call out His various names. Speak of how wonderful and mighty He is. King David was a true worshiper, and you can find many ways to worship God in the book of Psalms. I assure you that He will move Heaven and Earth on behalf of a worshiper. I know this to be true, because He did it for me.

Kim Potter


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