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"My hands have made both heaven and earth; they and everything in them are mine. I, the Lord, have spoken! I will bless those who have humble and contrite hearts, who tremble at my word." (Isaiah 66:2 NLT)

My dear friends consider with me the magnificent hands of our Creator God. These are the hands that spoke galaxies into existence, that painted the sunset with stunning hues, that formed every star and planet with perfect precision. When these mighty hands moved across the darkness, creative power exploded on the scene, and creation itself was birthed in spectacular glory.

Oh, dear friend, pause with me and let this truth sink deep into your spirit – the One who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, who laid the streets of gold, who fashioned our vast galaxy, this Supreme Creator God is also our tender Father. The same hands that hurled stars into space now reach out to embrace us with tender mercy. We are precious in His sight, cherished by the One who owns it all.

But there's something even more beautiful here, something that makes my spirit leap within me. This magnificent Creator promises His blessing, His favor, His very Self to those who carry two precious qualities: a contrite heart and a trembling spirit before His Word.

You see, beloved, this isn't about mere material blessing, though our Father delights to provide for His children. No, He's promising something far more precious – an inner wealth that comes only to those who approach Him with hearts that are humble and tender before Him. A contrite spirit isn't about beating yourself up; it's about being so captured by His glory that your own importance fades into the background.

The sweet Master is looking for those who have learned the sacred art of careful living – careful to give Him all the glory, careful to keep their hearts soft before Him, careful to remain low so He can be lifted high. This is the heart of maturity that He's forming in His bride, a heart that beats in rhythm with heaven's purposes.

But oh, dear friend, let me share with you what makes my spirit leap – He's looking for those who tremble at His Word! Can you feel it? There's a holy trembling returning to the church, a reverential awe that causes us to handle His Word not as mere letters on a page, but as spirit and life itself. When was the last time you opened His Word with hands that trembled, knowing you were touching something holy?

The Father is bringing back a holy fear to His house. Not a cowering fear, but an awe-filled reverence that recognizes we're standing on holy ground every time we open His Word. It's a sacred trembling that fills the heart of the mature bride, causing her to approach His truth not casually, but with deep respect and wonder.

Come with me into this deeper place of holy trembling. Let's lay aside our casual familiarity and rediscover the wonder of His Word. For when we approach with humble, contrite hearts, when we handle His truth with reverent trembling, something magnificent happens – heaven's blessing flows like a river into yielded vessels.

The door stands open to this deeper place of reverence. Will you enter? Will you let Him teach you the beauty of holy trembling? He's waiting in His presence, ready to transform casual readers into trembling receivers of His living Word.

For truly, beloved, as we learn to tremble at His Word with contrite hearts, we position ourselves for an outpouring of His manifest presence that goes far beyond earthly blessing. We enter into intimate fellowship with the One whose hands crafted the universe, yet tenderly holds our hearts.

With Love,

Steve Porter


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