God is speaking all the time...
Here's how God often speaks to me. Maybe if you're seeking to hear Him more, you might start listening in different ways.
Many times He speaks into my heart and it's usually a simple, but powerful revelation that just seeps into my whole inner man. It's a knowing deep, deep within my heart that surpasses what my mind is thinking.
Sometimes I hear from the written word of God. Truth from God's written word often illuminates my soul from within my heart. Almost like filling me with revelation that spills over into my mind, my will, my emotions, and my actions.
I'll be reading the Word of God or hearing a minister speaking the Word of God, and something jumps a few inches from my mind into the depths of my heart and I begin to know it.
It’s not just knowledge of the truth, but knowing it like I came to know my wife over time. It’s intimately incorporating that truth into my whole being, not just my mind. It’s considering that truth when I make decisions, or come to a crossroads in my life.
Other times, He speaks to me through His government of peace; peace concerning relationships, things, actions, or practically ANY-THING.
He'll give me peace if there is a green light and no peace if there is red. Sounds simple, yet it’s not always easy. This is because the fleshly desires of the heart can trick you and try to distort the truth to what it wants. This is where you have to rely on what portion of peace you have. Complete peace, some peace, or none at all. I treat that as my green, yellow, and red lights. I just slow down and wait on Him if there is some peace, and stop altogether if there is a total lack thereof.
In other instances, God speaks to my spirit through my mind. It's like a thought that I have that doesn't come from me (I would never have thought it), and edifies God. One hundred percent of the time I can discern if it’s a God thing or not, on the premise of "Does it Edify God or the Portion of God within me?"
Many times this is referred to as "downloads" from heaven; a creative thought or solution that is given from God to our mind, which is a gateway into our spirit. Then, the Holy Spirit will confirm it as truth if it bears witness that it is truth. Often, the Holy Spirit renders peace to me, so it’s a trifecta or confirmation.
First in the mind, qualified by, does it edify God? Then, cemented when the Holy Spirit gives me peace because it is truth. I hope that made sense
And lastly, God speaks to me all the time through other people. What’s interesting about that is the people God uses aren't always saved and aren't always those who speak “Christianized” with words like anointing, calling, purpose, etc.
Many times it’s a co-worker or boss, business partner, or sometimes even my own wife or children.
This is usually accompanied by hearing the same thing from multiple people in a short period of time. Sometimes, my wife will say "I want to spend more time with you" At the same time business colleagues, other family members, and even my children are saying it. Most often if there is a need in my relationships, I'm neglecting God in the same way.
The needs of the blood and marital relationships can reveal God speaking to us about what He is needing or wanting from us at those times.
I cannot tell you how many times my wife is showing me something about myself, or telling me where our relationship can grow when it was really God directly speaking to me concerning my relationship with Him.
Is God speaking to you? You have all the voices you need for the river of God to flow in your life. Listen closely, it may be in the wind, it may be in your heart, it may be in your mind, or through the words of the precious people around you.
Whatever the method, He is certainly speaking. Qualify all thoughts, emotions, or revelations on how or if it edifies God in your life.
YOU CAN HEAR GOD! Saying you can't hear God is like saying you can't find air to breathe. He is all around you, and always speaking the truth, desiring relationships and communicating with you. Listen...He is speaking....
From Abba...
“I’m have prepared for the hungry, a feast of spiritual food to grow your spirit man. For my beloved that are in struggle, it’s time to starve the carnal man and feed your spirit man. I will give you life and strength.You’ve often run to empty wells looking for water but I say to you now, come away from the wells of men and drink and eat at my table. Let me feed you and quench your thirst. I AM creating moments of opportunity for fellowship with me.
Think it not strange when you find yourself with free time. This is not for your purposes, but four OUR purpose. Our fellowship. This is time gained from how I’ve worked things together in your life to find moments of fellowship with me.
You have longed for more time together and REJOICE! for I am making a way.Come away from the wells of men and come away with me for I will give you waters of life that you never thirst again…yes, a wellspring within you so that you not seek water from any other. I will feed your growling stomach for the things of My spirit and you will be full!”
Amen! And Amen?
Thomas Griffin