Father God, I believe that right now You want to bring me OUT of the wilderness and into the Promised Land. I believe that You are birthing something in me, through me, and in my life that is the manifestation of everything You have promised me … and I thank You for that, Father.
Lord, I know that my prayers give You permission to work in my life.
So Abba Father, right now, I choose to come into agreement with Your will and Your plan. And I say to You right now:
Will of God, come forth in my life in Jesus’ name!
Promises of God, come to manifestation in my life right now, in Jesus’ name!
I speak to every door that You desire to open, Lord, and I say: Doors, OPEN! In Jesus’ name!
I speak to every door that You desire to close, Lord, and I say: Doors, CLOSE! In Jesus’ name!
I speak to the opportunities that Father God has for me, and I say: Opportunities from the Lord, come forth right now for me in Jesus’ name!
I speak to the relationships that Father God has for me, and I say: Relationships from God, come forth in my life in Jesus’ name!
Father God, I ask right now that You would add up all the prayers I have ever prayed that aligned with Your will–those prayers that You have been saving in Heaven–and I ask You to answer them all together right now. Pour out the former rain AND the latter rain together, Lord. And Father, I ask also that You would deliver me, in Your mercy, from anything I have prayed for that wasn’t Your will.
Father, I pray that You would supernaturally part the river before me right now.
Let Your glory and Your presence go before me as my front guard, rear guard, and side guard. Let me take the steps that You have divinely ordained for me to take. Remove every hindrance and blockage that stands in my way. Don’t remove Your protecting hand from me; I still need You to prevent me from going down any path that would not be Your highest, best, and most perfect will for me.
But Lord, I do ask that You would move Your miraculous hand and open the way before me right now. Give me ears to hear, eyes to see, and a nose to smell Your fragrance. Help me to hear Your voice behind me, saying, “This is the way, walk in it;” and let me never turn to the left or to the right. Help me to obey You no matter what.
Lord, give me boldness to step out as You open up the way.
I’ll be going where no man has gone before. I’ll be doing what I’ve never done before. So Father, I ask in Jesus’ name that You would fill me with courage, boldness, and inspiration as we step into the Promised Land together.
Father, I ask also that You would roll away the reproach of the past from off of me.
I ask You to give me a new name–the name You have designed and planned for me before the foundation of the world. Repair my perception of myself, and help me not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of my mind–that I may prove and manifest Your good, acceptable, and perfect will for me. Help me to think of myself, and of my future, the way that You do–and to renew my mind daily in the washing water of Your Word.
Father, as I advance into Your Promised Land, I pray that You would rise up and defeat my enemies before my face.
Let God arise, and His enemies be scattered. Abba Father, I pray that if my enemies come out against me one way, they would flee before me seven ways. I pray that those who hate You would flee before You. I pray that all the nations would see that I am called by Your name, and that they would be afraid of me (Deuteronomy 28).
Abba Father God, my Daddy, I depend on You for promotion.
I depend on You for help. Promotion doesn’t come from the east, from the west, or from the south. Promotion comes from You alone, Lord, and my eyes are on You.
Father, strengthen what You have done for me. Strengthen the destiny You have for me, and birth me into it right now, I pray in Jesus’ name. Let the help that has long been hindered from arriving at my side show up now. Do things for me that are so marvelous that only You could do them. Work miracles on my behalf, I pray in Jesus’ name.
Father, I’m calling upon You … and Your Word says that You will answer me and show me great and mighty things that I do not know.
So help me now, Lord. Do not suffer my foot to be moved. You neither slumber nor sleep; don’t let anything get past Your own tender watchcare over me. But Father, be my help in troubled places right now. Show Yourself strong on my behalf. Work miracles of assistance, promotion, and way-carving for me right now, and help me to be a good steward of everything You do.
Thank You, Father. I give You all the praise.
In Jesus’ name, amen.”
Are you believing God to help you move into your Promised Land today?
Did you pray that prayer with me? If so, leave a comment below! I love to hear from you!
Jamie Rohrbaugh
Join us as we Dive into 2025!