Last night I had an intercessory dream where I began to say "Lord, bring them out. Bring them out of the wilderness! Lord, bring them out. Bring them out of the wilderness!
God, bring out the wild ones who have been in hiding. Bring out those who have been in death, those who feel like it's all over for them. Those who have been counted out, those who have been assassinated, those who have been robbed, plundered, and destroyed. God, bring out those who feel like they are being decommissioned.
Bring out those who feel unclean. Bring out those who feel cast out and rejected from the church. Bring out those who have been silenced, muzzled, and voiceless, God, and anoint them! Put hot coals on their tongues!"Â
Suddenly, the scripture Luke 4:14 came before me - “He came out of the wilderness in the power of the Spirit."
And I knew in my spirit that this intercession was for the changing of the guard, for those who feel disqualified and broken because of what they’ve walked through, for those who feel like they’ve lost their anointing and strength, like Samson after his hair was cut.
Then I continued to pray:
"God, bring them out. Bring out the Nazarites! Bring out the new watchmen on the walls for the nations. Bring out the prophets and the intercessors, the apostles, the evangelists, those who have been in hiding, bring them out!"
And I felt the Lord say that it was time for these hidden ones to come out of their season of wilderness warfare and torment, and they were going to come out with a fresh, hot coal on their tongues, to speak a fresh word of the Lord into this current moment in time.Â
Suddenly, the dream shifted, and I began to hear the intercession of the saints. I could hear the tongues - a mighty roar rising from a generation that had been silenced and quenched for so long. I began to feel the birth pangs of the nations coming to a finality - a tipping point. This intercession felt like the midwife prayers of an impending birth of the nations in the earth. It was a prayer over the church, calling her to become the pure, spotless bride she was meant to be.
I could feel the intercession of agreement with long forgotten words spoken over nations, cities, and regions, for revival, for reformation, for Jesus to be revealed in the earth. Then I began to cry out: "Lord, come! Lord Jesus, come!" Then suddenly, the prayers of the saints rose up in unity, crying out together: "Yes, Lord Jesus! Come, Lord Jesus, come!"
I believe i had this dream because God is raising up a battlecry from the John the baptist, wilderness voices that are coming out of hiding to take thier post as the watchman of the hour and the fresh sound in the earth declaring “Prepare ye the ay of the Lord!
So to the wilderness voices, maybe you’re feeling this. Maybe you've been through a season of robbery and wilderness - a season where it feels like you've been removed from your calling. But this is the season where God is bringing you back!
He is placing a hot coal on your tongue!
So if that is you today, I want to speak and prophesy over you:
The hot coals are coming.
You're about to feel a fresh unction.
You're about to feel a fresh flow.
And out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water in Jesus’ mighty name!
Nate Johnston
hello@everydayrevivalists.com ========================