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“I will expose, shake, test, and restore. I will continue to expose hidden darkness on a grand scale. Many leaders will be tested, and those who pass the test will be increased. I am shaking every mountain so that what remains can be a new foundation made solid for building. The schools will be tested; those who are teaching falsely will be exposed.

Many false teachers are calling My true teachers false.

“I will make known false doctrines—the doctrines of demons that hinder real faith. I will restore families like never before. I will restore the fortunes of those who suffered loss.

“I will pour My Spirit out to empower the ones who have invested in My Kingdom, in the secret place, with more grace to empower more and more progress.

“Many ministers who were dry will catch the flame of surrender, allowing Me to lead their work, so I can pour out My glory.

“There will be a major exposing of the dragon coming out of China, and their secret agenda will be laid bare across the land. My hand is upon this nation, but I am addressing perversion and idolatry because I want My Bride pure.

“I will purify My Bride in 2025. Moves of My Spirit will be ignited from the holiness I find in pure-at-heart remnants. I am taking back the ground the enemy has taken, because this nation is Mine! I have a plan for every tribe and nation. Even as so many look to America, I am looking at how each one responds.

“I will reward the faithfulness of My people. I will rebuild. I will renew. I will restore. I will heal and release miracles at a level that has not yet been seen.

“I am drawing another line in the sand between those who are Mine and those who are pretending. Play actors will become easy to recognize as the masks come off so that what has been hidden can be laid bare. My light will shine on the faces of those who carry My heart in intimacy. Closeness with Me will cause some to flee. Many Believers will fall away to be tested, but so many more will run to the Cross.

“Mass baptisms will take place, and communion will become an emphasis in the Body of Christ. Mainstream media will begin covering large crowd assemblies, lifting up My name! The summer season will be full of outdoor events that will ignite people in destiny and purpose to begin living life to the full. My abundance will pour out with My Spirit to reward those I have called to rise and shine. This will draw the wayward, even the prodigals. Many who have been in witchcraft, even in the Church, will be delivered and healed of the damage of fear and control in a whole new way. Creative business ideas will pour out to advance My Kingdom in companies that revere Me and honor My name.

“I will expose and shut down much of the twisted trans movement with truth and light, and free those governed by wicked perversions and demonic delusions, bringing a greater understanding of My divine design and purpose. Stadium events will increase, where pastors and leaders of the five-fold ministry will work together to bring about an outward display of togetherness. The government will start taking council from small groups of sharp, prophetic pioneers. I will raise the bar and banner over cities desiring an inhabitation of Heaven on Earth.

I am renewing minds by increasing hunger for My Word and shutting down the torment caused by the spirit of double-mindedness. The pressed-in ones will shine the brightest to authenticate My marking. Yes, I mark My people! But more and more people will be deceived by the “counter mark” of the mark of the beast, even many elect who do not know that I am the Truth. As the darkness gets darker, the light will shine brighter.

The invitation to reject or accept Me, the Lord, will persist as My glorious Bride becomes increasingly triumphant.

“I will turn up the volume of My voice within those who desire to be led, and I will feed them My words of wisdom so they can experience supernatural joy—joy to abound, joy to be strengthened, joy to be victorious, and joy that will be directed to the world as an invitation that walking with Me causes people to be free. Stay close, those of you who call on My name.”

“Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory…” (1 Peter 1:8 KJV)

Yeshua Speaks: “What Is I AM Doing?”

(The following word of the Lord was received on January 11, 2025.)

“I am removing the effects of wokeism. I am shinning My light in all the dark places, causing exposure of evil and those who have agreed with it.

“I am purifying My people and bringing justice. I am unifying My people in love and creating opportunity for community. I am lifting burdens off the broken so they can stand.

“I am making known My plan. I am watching to see who I can promote. I am speaking to those who value My words with hearts desiring My divine direction.

“I am lifting the lids off of those insulated by unbelief. I am shutting down the evil false teaching that has hindered real, biblical faith. I am destroying the enemy’s networks. I am choosing new leaders and removing those who fail to yield to My voice and will.

“I am taking back My schools. I am establishing My government on the earth. I am building in the Spirit to help shore up My end-time army and fortify cities that have turned to Me in repentance, prayer, and worship.

“Worship purifies and tears down the damage of idolatry. Worship puts and keeps My Kingdom first. Worship causes repentance, as some cannot worship in Spirit and in truth until they submit their hearts to Me. Worship is a powerful weapon of warfare!”

“God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and truth.” (John 4:24 NKJV)

“I am raising up and tearing down. I am bringing forth the greatest end-time move of My Spirit that has ever been witnessed on the planet in all of history. The next eight years will be like no other! Watch and see that what I have spoken will surely come to pass. I am that I am, and I am coming soon".

“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.” (Revelation 22:12 NKJV)

My people must learn to respond to Me, and to My calling, and see the fruit of joy in saying ‘yes’ to the One who will pull out all the stops and kick open so many doors of possibility.

“Huge crowds all over the world are weeping from great joy, crying out to the One who loves them, the One who takes the yokes, weights, and burdens off of their shoulders to fill them with My glory and power.”

“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:29–30 NKJV)

“This is the hour of power,” says the living God. “This is the hour I have chosen for you to rise and shine. It is time! Do not cower in this hour,” says the Lord.

“Stand tall and know Me, the One who has guided you into success from your ‘yes.’ Be ready at any given moment to receive the fulfillment of My promises as you walk by faith and become a great witness, a mighty voice, and a warrior who cannot be held down or held back. My strength is within you. My light is upon you. My mantle has been entrusted to you. Give Me your every thought and watch what I do,” says the King of all kings. “Purpose is found in the pursuit of Me. Peace is found in surrender. Glory comes down to those I surround.”

Purposeful Prose 

Gushing geysers will come up from the ground,Like flames to prepare the mighty sound.My voice beckons to all those I’ve found.

People will see that I am still here;I will pour out My Spirit and love will be clear.

Fear is in trouble when I’m on the scene—That spirit of darkness; My light now you glean.

Purpose and promise, let My treasures pour in.I have come to remove all your sin.

Rejoice in the victory as I lift up your hands,Battles will be won because you are all in.

Nathan French

Nathan French Ministries

Nathan French and his wife, Danielle, are the founding leaders of The Rock Revival Center, located in North end Tacoma, WA. Nathan has a heart for evangelism, discipleship and healing that is nurtured through a powerful, prophetic gifting. He is an international revivalist with a heart and a passion to bring the movement of the Holy Spirit wherever he goes. Nathan has also served as a business consultant “under the radar.” He has a passion for bringing the “success” principles of the Kingdom into action at the companies he has been privileged to serve. Nathan has authored two books: It’s NOT Meant to be a Secret: God Wants to Speak to You, and Rushing the Flood Gates of Heaven. Nathan has been featured in several television and radio broadcasts such as TBN, God-TV and Spirit 105.3FM.

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