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Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. Mark 11:23 ESV

Jesus told her, “Believe Me, woman, an hour is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem… God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and truth.” John 4:21, 24

I had a dream this morning that I believe will bring hope to many who have been praying for “impossible” things to come to pass.

In the dream, I was at home studying John 4 in depth. Then, almost instantly, I was taken to a mountaintop in Switzerland. 

For me, Switzerland represents both a neutral territory and a place of exquisite beauty, hope, and promise! The Lord ministered profound grace to me on a Swiss mountaintop 38 years ago. 

In the dream, it was either spring or summer. The mountain was green and rocky, and many people were with me at the summit in the late afternoon sun. 

Suddenly, the entire mountain began to move. 

In reading Mark 11 over the years, I had often envisioned mountains being “lifted up and cast into the sea,” but had never pictured it happening quite this before! 

The peak of the mountain became the crest of a wave. The ground just beneath the summit began to be pulled inward as the wave formed into a barrel shape. The earth buckled and the mountain bent with a flexibility that seemed naturally impossible! 

Then a large boulder fell from the top as if an avalanche were starting. In response, I moved down a few steps to the right to take shelter under a large rocky  outcropping. When I reached this protected place, I saw a white gate that connected to an adjacent mountain. 

This gate was a Point of Entry (POE) to Switzerland, a border crossing. There were many people on the other side of the gate trying to get in. As a matter of life or death, it was considered safer to be on the Swiss mountain where I stood than on its twin peak.  

A young mother in the crowd pleaded with me to let her family in, but she had no documentation. I took her aside to explain that illegal entry was not possible. There were legal parameters for the immigration process and she simply did not fit the qualifications. She was of course upset by this.

At that moment, however, the mother received a phone call; an old, black telephone handset was passed over to her, above the crowd.

As she took her call, I was transported in the Spirit to see the person on the other end. He was a tall, kind, greying old man who stood in the middle of a nearby town in Switzerland. It seemed he had the credentials, authority, and goodwill to admit anyone he wanted as his friend. 

Smiling at me, the man granted the woman and her family permission to enter and to readmit me as well (I had crossed the border to speak with the woman). Here, the dream ended.



The Lord then urged me to share this word, saying there are some of you who have been up against a mountain of impossibility that shows NO SIGN of movement. 

You have done your part; you’ve told the mountain to move, but it has stubbornly remained. Your decrees have felt ineffective; your faith has taken a hit. Yet in one day, everything can change. 

I prophesy to you that the very mountain you have felt “stuck” on all these years will become the very wave that accelerates you into your Promised Land. 

The Lord is SUDDENLY and UNEXPECTEDLY removing every curse and bringing you into the land of your blessing! There has been a divine timing to your release; it will not delay.   

I see legal obstacles being removed for some of you as a higher authority activates your call, releasing favor. I see whole families being granted access to promises where demonic “border guards” have kept you out. I see the joy of the Lord being released with such unwarranted favor and blessing that it will impact not only you but also those around you. I see a freedom coming that encompasses more than you dream possible! 

Yet I also sense a caution: the change you seek may not come in the form you expect or the way you desire! 

In an earlier part of the dream, as I looked out from the summit to a beautiful view of the other mountains, I noticed wide, paved paths on another summit miles away. I longed to hike there, but there was not enough time to reach it before sunset. 

Like all of us, given the chance, I would have chosen the easier path! Yet it was the more challenging mountain that brought a greater breakthrough in the dream. Interestingly, the name Switzerland in Germanic can mean "strength;" its Celtic name could mean "clearing." 

I prophesy that you will have CLARITY IN UNCERTAINTY and STRENGTH AND BREAKTHROUGH IN YOUR SUDDENLIES. You do not need to fear; you will know what to do and where to be at just the right time. Your obedience to what the Spirit of God tells you will result in freedom for others as well. 


In John 4 (the key text highlighteded in the dream), Jesus “had to travel through Samaria” to meet the woman at the well. He had a predetermined appointment with destiny in enemy territory. 

On the offensive, Jesus unlocked PERSONAL AND REGIONAL BREAKTHROUGH using the weapons of fasting, prayer, prophetic words of knowledge, compassion, and scriptural decrees to reach a woman who was by all accounts impossibly out of reach of the Father’s blessing! 

  • She was a “captive remnant:” a descendant of unfaithful Israelites who had intermarried with foreigners after Assyria invaded Israel in 722 BCE.   

  • She was despised and considered unclean by the Jews.

  • Her people had established religious worship not in Jerusalem, but on Mount Gerizim, the mountain of blessings referred to in Deuteronomy 11. 

  • She lived in Sychar (lit., “drunken,”), which was either on the eastern slope of Mt Ebal (the mount of cursing) or in the city of Shechem, in the valley between the mountains of blessing and cursing.

  • In the moment of visitation and breakthrough, this “drunken” town (near Jacob’s ancient well) became a spiritual well of living water. 

  • In one brief encounter, Jesus turned this woman's life, which seemed to be cursed, into a blessing. Her mountain of shame was removed. Her faith impacted the entire region. (John 4:39)

  • THE MIRACLE WAS IN HER MINDSET: as soon as she understood that the "mountain" was not an external location but an internal possession, everything shifted. 

I believe some of you are about to see your prayers and decrees turn a long-standing curse into a blessing. Heaven is on the offensive to set captives free! 

Your faith is the catalytic converter that breathes new life into toxic situations. As He did in Samaria, God is now releasing fresh revelation that turns weary believers into active reformers. The new testimonies coming forth now will impact families, cities, and nations for the Kingdom of God. 

Finally, I hear the Lord saying: “Do not be afraid, but go on speaking and do not be silent, for I am with you, and no one will attack you to harm you, for I have many in this city who are my people.” (Acts 18:10)

Keep worshiping, keep speaking, keep decreeing that your mountain WILL MOVE. Build an altar of worship to the Lord on your "Mount Ebal" (Deut. 27:3; Josh 24:1)

The enemy has hindered your testimony, but God is on the move. God has already provided for your protection and release. 

“For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and NOTHING WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU.” Matthew 17:20 ESV


Father, thank you for the blessings that overtake me! (Dt. 28:2)

I believe that my decrees are powerful and effective against this mountain the enemy has used against me. I repent for the times I have doubted Your goodness or despaired of my breakthrough.


I command all resistance to be broken in Jesus’ Name. All legal loopholes blocking my progress MUST YIELD to the Word of the Lord. Stubborn fear and arrogant pride MUST FALL.

I will not be ashamed or disgraced because the LORD is on MY SIDE! I bind spirits of deception and self-protection in the mighty Name of Jesus. I will continue to worship God in Spirit and truth. I agree with YOUR ways, Lord: TURN THIS CURSE INTO A BLESSING! 

Thank you, God, that unbelief is being converted to faith and impossibilities bow to the One who makes all things possible.

I ask You to shift every demonic mindset that opposes You - including any ungodly mindsets within me - so that those who have been kept from their destiny can now cross the border and enter fully into their call. (Philippians 3:12-15)

Thank you that You never leave us or forsake us. I pray for every reader of His Inscriptions to be BLESSED with BREAKTHROUGH! 


Deborah Perkins


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